October 17, 2024
Kansas City

Copyright 2023 Zane Laing

Welcome! Find out what's made in KC!

Do you ever drive through the industrial parts of Kansas City and wonder what’s being made in those big factories?

I do.

Or, maybe you’re just looking for some sort of bragging right when it comes to telling your Uncle Fred that those Cheez-Its he loves to eat were made right here in Kansas City.

I’m a life long Kansas Citian and have always had a curiosity about what’s made here in Kansas City. So, I decided to find out and then share the information here on this site!

I’ll be starting with the stuff I know about but will continually add to the site as time allows (and I learn about new things that are made here in KC!)

Please feel free to email me products that you know are made here. If I have something listed as made in Kansas City that is no longer made here, let me know that as well and I’ll get it updated.

At some point I may add a “brands of yesteryear” showcasing stuff that was once made in Kansas City, but is no longer made here.

I may also dive into spirits and beer – yes, I know we have a lot of local breweries, but with the exception of Boulevard, most aren’t well known nationally.

Feel free to email me at [email protected]