March 1, 2025
Cheez It Crackers

Cheez-It crackers are made in Kansas City, Kansas.

First created in Dayton, Ohio by the Green & Green Co., the Cheez-It brand was sold to Kansas City’s Loose-Wiles Biscuit Company in 1932.

In 1947, Loose-Wiles Biscuit Company turned into Sunshine Biscuits, and today Sunshine Biscuits is a division of Kellogg’s.

Sunshine Biscuits operates a large bakery in the Fairfax area of Kansas City, Kansas, which bakes Cheez-It crackers.

On a good day, the smell is delightfully “cheezy.”

Here’s a nice history of Cheez-It innovation from the Smithsonian.

I spotted the apron below at an antique store in KC and hadn’t seen one with both Sunshine and Loose-Wiles branding before.